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    Nick has a handy run-down of left and right positions on major issues. My favorites:

    Trade sanctions are good when applied to evil governments like apartheid era South Africa.
    Trade sanctions are bad when applied to the suffering people of Ba’athist Iraq or fascist Cuba.

    Trade sanctions are good when applied to totalitarian red China.
    Trade sanctions are bad when Margaret Thatcher says they are. [Does that just apply to trade sanctions? It’s been a firm and generalized tenet in my life for decades.–SRK]

    Government interference is bad when the nanny-state tells you not to smoke the weed.
    Government interference is good when it tells you to turn your guns in to the police.

    Government interference is bad when the nanny-state tells you not to smoke Marlboros.
    Government interference is good when, in an ironic move, it throws you in jail for having the gay sex.

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