Gaijin Biker has tagged me with one of the blogosphere’s endless number of variations on the Cosmo quiz. Get ready to, like, totally learn more about the real me.
I. Seven things to do before I die:
Figure out how to rein in my class-clown/flirt impulse
Visit Poland (ancestral homeland on my mother’s side of the family)
Own a pick-up truck
Go a week without wearing anything purple (a friend has bet me–handshake and all–that I will never be able to do this)
Learn Korean
Find a Soseki novel I enjoy
Take the Japanese Proficiency Test
II. Seven things I cannot do:
Play any instrument really well, though I’ve taken lessons on several
Follow the words to 「上を向いて歩こう」 (ue wo muite arukou: “I’ll Walk with My Head Up,” a.k.a. “Sukiyaki,” which Japanese people think all Americans can sing) after ten drinks at the karaoke box
Drive in Japan
Remember anyone’s birthday on time
Sleep with a shirt on
Function on too little sleep
Inflict blog-meme-things on people
III. Seven things that attract me to blogging:
It gives me a vehicle for showing Atsushi my unfiltered, in-English, American personality without subjecting him to endless in-person rants.
Translating news articles for an audience that includes others who are also proficient in Japanese forces me to make sure I’m understanding what I’m reading and not just doing that fluent-but-shallow skimming thing.
Reader feedback restores my faith in humanity.
The sicko search strings that bring some people here send my faith in humanity right back out the window, but they do tend to be good for a nervous chuckle.
It’s led to several friendships I otherwise wouldn’t have, some of which have now extended off-line.
I’m not nearly as naturally bold and unflappable as I like to present myself here. Knowing that whatever I write about my principles, my politics, and my sexuality is going to appear on a Google-able archived page with my full name there big as life has forced me to think harder about what I’m willing to commit myself to. I’m both more hesitant to jump to lazy conclusions and less hesitant to voice deeply held beliefs just to avoid ruffling feathers.
Crap television is much less grating–indeed, downright enjoyable–when 75% of your brain is occupied with composing a post.
IV. Seven things I say most often:
V. Seven books that I love:
A Benjamin Franklin Reader
The Future and Its Enemies
Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
Miss Pym Disposes
Sexual Personae
The Story of English
VI. Seven movies that I watch over and over again [Note to straight folk: If you’re going to tag gay men with these things, you probably want to specify “feature films.” Just for future reference.–SRK]:
2001: A Space Odyssey
Auntie Mame
Desperately Seeking Susan
Double Indemnity
The North Avenue Irregulars
VII. Seven people to whom I pass the meme:
See II, Item 7, above.