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    Now’s the time for all good men to get together with one another

    OMFG, this is great. You’ve probably seen it at Next Right via Instapundit already, but still:


    At first, I thought people might be making a big deal out of very little–that Obama’s speaking abroad doesn’t necessarily mean he’s taking his campaign there, after all. But the speech is clearly being publicized and driven by Obama’s campaign.

    Isn’t that nice? I suggest he use the following tagline on his return home: “Barack Obama: Adored by Crowds of Germans!” That’ll really resonate with the American people.

    Speaking of taglines, the campaign website has a beaut in its banner: “I’m asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington…I’m asking you to believe in yours.” Because of course it’s a given that Obama can change Washington. You little voters out there, however, empowered by nothing but the United States Constitution and stuff–you obviously won’t think you can have any effect without being encouraged. But you can! We can! Yes, we can!

    Yes We Can Can.

    Sheesh. I’m no fan of McCain, but at least he and his supporters appear to know what he’s running for and who his constituency is supposed to be.

    Added after a nice glass of seltzer and lime: If the Pointer Sisters reference above suggests another of their early songs with political relevance this week, all I can say is that you’re very wicked and I want nothing to do with you.

    3 Responses to “Now’s the time for all good men to get together with one another”

    1. Kris Gamache says:

      “Speaking of taglines, the campaign website has a beaut in its banner: “I’m asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington…I’m asking you to believe in yours.” Because of course it’s a given that Obama can change Washington. You little voters out there, however, empowered by nothing but the United States Constitution and stuff–you obviously won’t think you can have any effect without being encouraged. But you can! We can! Yes, we can!”

      Aren’t you stretching it a bit? The banner says ‘not just in’, not ‘instead of’.

    2. Sean Kinsell says:

      I did notice that, Kris. I’m exaggerating for effect somewhat, but even if you think given is a bit strong a word to use, the order of the items in the not only [x] but also [y] construction means something.

    3. Maria says:

      As an Obama supporter, I don’t take it as a “given” that Obama can change Washington. I like his tagline. I like it because it’s true, and those of us who have had enough of Cheney and Bush with their arrogant blatant disregard for the rule of law–trampling on the U.S. Constitution and the Geneva Conventions–do need to be reminded of the power we have every four years. Four years ago when Bush was “re”-elected, if I would have had the nest egg necessary, I would have been “outta here.” (Canada, Costa Rica…) I had serious doubts about our country lasting another four years. I thought I would get out before the flames of Rome engulfed me… And, now we have the chance to take our back our country, reinstate the Constitution, restore our reputation, etc., etc. I know you don’t share my thoughts, Sean. I’m just sharing a little bit of why it’s good that Obama is calling us to a larger service rather than just saying he is the answer to everything. He is just one man. But, look out, Sean, there’s a whole lot more of us… 😉

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