The day today
Posted by Sean at 14:21, February 7th, 2009Are we still on this topic (via Instapundit)? Of course, we are. It comes up every contentious election. Don Surber’s reaction to the latest BBC poll is this:
What? The sky did not open? The light did not come down? Celestial choirs did not sing? The world is not now perfect?
Reality is hitting liberals.
Envy, honey, envy.
We’re the bestest nation and they are soooooooooo jealous of us.
Well, yes, it often really is envy, especially on the part of Europeans whose grandparents needed rescuing during the war.
Never underestimate the power of good, old-fashioned ignorance, though. A lot of supposedly educated people abroad seriously think they can learn all they need to about the United States by watching CSI: Miami and listening to, well, the BBC/CNN International version of world news. I can’t count the number of discussions I had about the Iraq invasion, during my twelve years in Asia, in which my interlocutor clearly just was not processing the idea that finding weapons of mass destruction had not been the only (or even the primary) rationale offered by the Bush administration. My point is not that foreigners couldn’t build a case that America is prosecuting the WOT in a way that does harm, if they really believe so, based on an accurate understanding of how things work. My point is that they don’t. I think most news-junkie Americans would be pretty shocked at how few alternatives to pacifist social-democratic happy talk there are in many other places.